SUPER informative read. I'm glad someone is compiling how these various apps are working behind the scenes - it's really helps the little guys.

But ultimately this makes me feel a little... sad?

I really want to find an audience. But there's something so cynical about having to game these enormous content aggregators. I also feel like it ultimately creates a homogenised, colourless content gruel.

My hope is that good content will eventually win out. But boy oh boy it feels like I'm fighting a losing battle.

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Thanks for reading. I think it really depends on what you need social for? If you're a FT creator or a small business whose entire business relies on IG, chasing the algorithm seems necessary. But if you're doing it as a hobby, side gig or as part of a broader marketing mix then I absolutely agree that you should do your own thing and not worry about every little update.

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Honestly, I think that even for the little guys some algorithm chasing is necessary. That's why it's good someone's sharing the information.

I think it's part of a larger problem of 'what's measured is managed'. Every tweak becomes gamed by people hoping they'll be blessed by the algorithm Gods. But this means that weird ideas or something that goes completely against the grain will probably never find its audience.

This isn't just a META and TikTok problem, either. Google's SEO guidelines mean that all I ever seem to get is bloody listacles with Amazon links.

Anyway, not entirely relevant to what you've written (sorry!) just screaming a bit into the void.

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