I’m an Australian subscriber and have long read your work, Lia — it was so exciting to read this piece about the industry here in Australia 🤗 I also love that you mentioned the First Nations Welcome to Country tradition

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Thanks Lizzy! I love a tradition that honors people who came before us (65K years!) and will likely be here long after we're gone. They do this in Canada too and I think it's a really classy thing to do.

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I agree 🫶 we learn a lot about respect and history from First Nations communities here, as I’m sure Canadians do too from the First Peoples there. I hope you had a great time in Perth (though I know it was months ago now!)

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Only a month and it was wonderful. My favorite day - besides the conference - was a toss up between looking for kangaroos with Dave Jogenson of the Washington Post and lunch at the Sandalford winery in the Swan River Valley!

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I always truly love your insights and write ups ✨

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I really appreciate, thank. Thank you!

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